• nana.cyrille@ubuea.cm
  • +237 674580806
  • Room 010, Faculty of Education Building, PO Box 63, Buea South West Region, Cameroon.

Prof. Nana Cyrille

Deputy Director, the College of Technology


Recruited as an Assistant Lecturer in April 2008, I have contributed to teaching as the course instructor of several courses in the Department of Mathematics and in the College of Technology. Also is it important to add the University of Yaounde I and the University of Bamenda.

So far have I contributed in the publication of 17 articles in Mathematics, the supervision of ten (10) Master’s dissertations, and fourteen (14) Dipes II. Currently, one supervision of a PhD Thesis is ongoing and one PhD candidate has completed the program. The Master’s in Technology was launched at the College of Technology under my coordination and more than 70 students have already completed the program. many more are still on the program as we speak.


  • 1996: Licence an Mathematiques Pures, Mention: Assez Bien, University of Douala
  • 1998: Maitrise de Mathematiques, Option Analyse,Mention: Assez Bien, University of Yaounde I
  • 2000: Premiere Annee Doctorat en Mathematiques, Mention: Bien, University of Yaounde I
  • 2006: Doctorat/PhD en Mathematiques, Specailite: Analyse Classique, Mention: Tres Honorable, University of Yaounde I


17- GONESSA, J., MBAPTE, R., F. AND NANA, C., Complex Interpolation Between
Two Mixed Norm Bergman Spaces in Tube Domains Over Homogeneous Cones,
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (2023)
16- Garrigós G. and C. Nana, 2020. Hilbert-type inequalities in homogeneous cones, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 31 (2020), 815-838.
15-Bekolle D., J. Gonessa and C. Nana, 2020. Atomic decomposition and interpolation via the complex method for mixed norm Bergman spaces on tube domains over symmetric cones, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) Vol. XXI (2020), 801-826.
14-Bekolle D., J. Gonessa and C. Nana, 2019. Lebesgue mixed norm estimates for Bergman projectors: from tube domains over homogeneous cones to homogeneous Siegel domains of type II, Matematische Annalen (2019) 374:395-427.
13-Bekolle D., J. Gonessa and C. Nana, 2018. Begman-Lorentz spaces on tube domains over symmetric cones, New York J. Math. 24 (2018) 902-928.
12-Nana C. and B. F. Sehba, 2018. Toeplitz and Hankel operators from Bergman to analytic Besov spaces of tube domains over symmetric cones, St. Petersburg Math. J. Tom 30 (2018), No 4.
11-Nana C. and B. F. Sehba, 2018. Off-diagonal estimates of some Bergman-type operators of tube domains over symmetric cones, Positivity (2018), 22: 507-531. DOI: 10.1007/s11117-017-0525-6.
10-Bonami A. and C. Nana, 2015. Some questions related to the Bergman projection in Symmetric domains, Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 6, No. 4, 191-197 (2015).
9-Nana C. and B. F. Sehba, 2015. Carleson  Embeddings and two operators on Bergman spaces of tube domains over symmetric cones. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 83 (2015), 151-178.
8-Békollé D., H. Ishi and C. Nana, 2014. Korányi’s Lemma for Homogeneous Siegel Domains of type II. Applications and extended results. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 90 (2014), 77–89. DOI: 10.1017/S0004972714000033.
7-Bonami A., G. Garrigós and C. Nana, 2014. 
 Estimates for Bergman projections in bounded symmetric domains of tube type. J Geom Anal (2014) 24:1737–1769. DO:I 10.1007/s12220-013-9393-x.
6-Nana C., 2013. -Boundedness of Bergman projections in Homogeneous Siegel domains of type II, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. Vol. 19, Issue 5, (2013), 997-1019.DOI: 10.1007/s00041-013-9280-7. 
5-Nana C. and B. Trojan 2011. -Boundedness of the Bergman Projection in Tube Domains over Homogeneous Cones, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. 5 Vol. X (2011), 477-511.
4-Nana C. 2011.-Estimates of the Bergman Projection in the Lie ball of C^n, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications. Vol. 9 no 2 (2011), 109-128.
3-Békollé D. and C. Nana 2007. -Boundedness of the Bergman Projection in the Tube Domain over Vinberg’s Cone, Journal of Lie Theory, 17 (2007), 115-144.
2-Békollé D., A Bonami, G. Garrigós, C. Nana, M.M. Peloso and F Ricci. 2004.  Lecture notes on Bergman projectors in tube domains over cones: an analytic and geometric viewpoint, IMHOTEP J. Afr. Math. Pures Appl. 5, (2004), 01-78.
1-Békollé D., J. Gonessa and C. Nana 2003. Complex Interpolation between two Bergman Spaces in Tube Domains over Symmetric Cones, C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003) 13-18.