• tabi.johannes@ubuea.cm
  • +237 3332 21 34 / 3332 26 90 / 3332 27 06 / 3332 28 13
  • Central Administration Building, PO Box 63, Buea South West Region, Cameroon.

Prof. Johannes Tabi Atemnkeng

Director of Financial Affairs


Johannes Tabi Atemnkeng is a Professor of Economics and current Director of Financial Affairs in the University of Buea. Before then, he has occupied the following positions: Vice Dean in charge of programs and academic affairs in the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences of the University of Buea, Head of Department of Management Sciences in the Higher Technical Teacher’s Training College of the University of Buea, head of Division Internship and Enterprise Contact Unit of the Higher Institute of Commerce and Management of the University of Bamenda and Coordinator of Professional Master’s Degree Programme of the University of Dschang all in Cameroon. He holds a BSc. M.Phil. and a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Yaounde II. His PhD research and thesis were mentored by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNUWIDER) in Finland, and the African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi.

He is a senior researcher with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) Research network and a member of the African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium. He has won several research grants from local and international organizations and has consulted for the Global Development network (GDN), Trust Africa, the African Economic Research Consortium, and the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) among other institutions. He has been a visiting fellow at the International Monetary Fund (Washington DC) and Laval University (Canada). He has adequate knowledge and experience in university administration and over 23 years of university teaching and research, including supervision of undergraduate projects, master’s and Doctoral theses.

His research areas and skills figure substantially in micro-econometric analyses especially in poverty, growth, inequality, labour market and climate change related issues and possess panel macro econometric skills with excellent command of applied economic theory. Most of his works are highly empirical in nature.


  • 1988 BSc. Economics, University of Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • 1990 Post graduate Diploma (Maîtrise), University of Yaoundé
  • 1991 Advanced Post graduate Diploma (DEA/MSc), University of Yaoundé
  • 2000 Doctorat 3e cycle Economics, University of Yaoundé 11 Soa, Cameroon
  • 2010 Ph.D. Economics, University of Yaoundé 11 Soa, Cameroon

Work Experience

University Employment and Professional Records

May 2018 -present Professor University of Buea, Cameroon

2015- April 2018 Associate Professor University of Buea, Cameroon

2011- 2014 Associate Professor University of Bamenda, Cameroon

2003-2011 Senior Lecturer University of Dschang, Cameroon

1999-2002 Assistant Lecturer University of Dschang, Cameroon

1992-1995 Tutor St. Paul’s Higher Technical College-Bonjongo, Cameroon

University Administration and Responsibilities

2022(June) – present Director of Financial Affairs/University of Buea

2020 -2022(June) Vice Dean/Programs and Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics and
Management/University of Buea

2015 – 2020 Head of Department of Management Sciences: HTTTC/ University of Buea

2011 – 2014 Head of Division for Internship and Enterprise Contacts: Higher Institute of
Commerce and Management, the University of Bamenda

2010 – 2012 Coordinator of Professional Master’s Degree Programme, University of Dschang

Research and Scientific Works


1.J. Tabi Atemnkeng (1999). Financial sector Reforms and financial Development in Cameroon: A test of the Mckinnon – Shaw model: Revue Economie et Gestion appliquée, tome 1 Number 2, Université de Douala

2. J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2003). Evaluating the Incidence of Indirect Tax Reforms in Cameroon: African Journal of Economic policy vol. 10, no. 2: December

3. Tabi Atemnkeng J. and J. Nzongang; Market Structure and Profitability Performance in the Banking industry of CFA Countries: The case of Cameroon: Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol.8, No.2, 2006

4. Tabi Atemnkeng J, Investigating the Causal Effect of Household Social Capital on Labour Force Participation in Cameroon: African Journal of Economic policy, December 2007 vol. 14, no. 2:
5. Tabi Atemnkeng J, P. Angyie Etoh-Anzah and Akwi Tafah; Who Benefits from Combined Tax and Public Expenditure Policies in Cameroon, Journal of Developing Areas, Volume 43, Number 1, Fall 2009

6. Tabi Atemnkeng J.; Social Capital and Household Welfare in Cameroon: A Multidimensional Analysis, African Economic Research Consortium, Research paper no. 236, 2010

7. Tabi Atemnkeng J; Household Level Social Capital in Cameroon and Children Schooling: A Gender Analysis: Africa Development, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, 2010, pp. 233 – 258: CODESRIA 2010

8. Tabi Atemnkeng J, Michael Boboh Vabi and Dorothy Kenyi Malaa; Adoption of maize and cassava production technologies in the Forest-Savannah Zone of Cameroon: Implications for poverty reduction: World Applied Sciences Journal 11(2) 2010

9. Aloysius Mom Njong and Tabi Atemnkeng J.; An analysis of domestic cooking energy choices in Cameroon: European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 20, Number 2, 2011

10. Tabi Atemnkeng J and Armand Gilbert Noula; Gender-Disaggregated Marginal Incidence Analysis of Public Spending on Education in Cameroon: Journal of International Women’s studies, Vol. 12 #1, February 2011

11. Tabi Atemnkeng J., Aloysius Mom Njong and Neba Cletus; Financial Development and Economic Growth in Cameroon, 1970-2005, Journal of Economics and International Finance Vol. 3(6), pp. 367-375, June 2011

12. Tabi Atemnkeng J. and Aloysius Mom Njong; Fiscal Policy and Sectoral Productivity Convergence in a Developing Economy: Implications for Poverty Reduction, Asian Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 4, April 2012

13. Johannes Tabi Atemnkeng, Aloysius Mom Njong, Victalice Achamoh N.; Modeling Commercial Bank Deposits Mobilization in Cameroon, Revue Camerounaise de Management: Revue Semestrielle Bilingue N° 24 Juillet – Décembre 2012

14. J.Tabi Atemnkeng, Aloysius Mom Njong, Victalice Achamoh N.(2012). Modeling Commercial Bank Deposits Mobilization in Cameroon : Revue Camerounaise de Management: Revue Semestrielle Bilingue N° 24 Juillet – Décembre, Universite de Douala-Cameroon

15. J. Tabi Atemnkeng and Andrew Wujung Vukenkeng (2016). Does Social Capital Really determine Poverty? Evidence from a Cameroon Household Survey: African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, vol. 8 no.1

16. Mbu Daniel Tambi, J. Tabi Atemnkeng and Mary-Juliet Bime (2017). Women in Agricultural Production and Food Security in Rural Cameroon, International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research Vol.5 (3), pp. 70-79

17. Chenjoh Joseph Nde, Ndong Ignatius Cheng, J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Wilfred Mbacham (2017). The Economic Burden of Water Related Infections in the Bamenda Health District: The Case of Diarrhoea. Universal Journal of Public Health, 5 , 176 – 182. doi10.13189/ujph.2017.050407.

18. Andrew Wujung Vukenkeng & J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2017) Assessing the Effect of Macroeconomic Environment on Entrepreneurship Development in Cameroon. University of Buea Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. X, Number 1

19. J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb and Mbu Daniel Tambi (2017). Entrepreneurship in Family and Non-Family Business: Youth Perceptions and Poverty Reduction
Effects in Cameroon: The Journal of Accounting and Management, Vol 7, No 3, Danubius University of Galati

20. J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Daniel Mbu Tambi, (2018) Growth equity and sectoral decompositions of aggregate poverty changes in Cameroon: The role of the labor market, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol. 9 Issue: 1, pp.56-71,

21. Mbu Daniel Tambi, J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2018). Effects of Maternal Immunization on Birth Weight in Rural Cameroon, Journal of African Development: vol. 20(1)

22. J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Ndam Romanus Adze (2020), Gender-Based Credit Constraints and Firm Performance in Cameroon (AERC Research paper No. 380)

23. NKWETTA Ajong AQUILAS & J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2022) Climate-Related Development Finance and Renewable Energy Consumption in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction in the Congo Basin” Energy Strategy Reviews 44

24. Senke Laura Ngeh, Johanness Tabi Atemnkeng , Saidou Baba Ormar (2023) The effect of health human capital on the inequality-growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal Economics and Allied Research: JEAR VOL.8, ISSUE 3

25. J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Ernest Ngeh Tingum & Laura Senke N. (2024), Deficit Financing and Economic Return to Public Expenditure in the CEMAC Member Countries, African Journal of Economic Review, Volume 12 (1), March 2024

Forthcoming Publications

J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Laura Senke N., Afuge Ramsy A., and Nkwetta Ajong A.
(2024), ‘Income inequality thresholds that should be avoided for governance to promote economic growth with evidence from Africa’ (forthcoming African Development Review)

J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Njong Mom Aloysius, Mbu Daniel Tambi and Tchouapi Rosine (2021). Challenges and opportunities faced by youth during their transitions from learning to employment: Evidence from two African countries (Draft report AERC Senior Scholars Research Program)

Sub themes of project

1. The youth and job mobility Tanzania

2. Vocational education and successful labour market entry of African youth with evidence from Ghana and Tanzania

3. Youth Unemployment Dynamics and Duration in Ghana and Tanzania

4. Returns to vocational education and training of African youth: Evidence from Ghana

On-going Research works

  1. Laura Senke Ngeh and J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2023) ‘Is growth good for the poor in Cameroon? A Pseudo-panel Analysis’ (Journal of Development Effectiveness, under revision)
  2. J. Tabi Atemnkeng and Ngeh Laura Senke (2023). ‘Vocational education and training, Social networks and Job mismatch in Cameroon’ (Journal of Knowledge Economy, under review)
  3. Ngepah Belina Mbongu & J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2023) The Mediation Effect of Informal sector growth on the Relationship between Poverty and Inequality (Paper submitted for publication)

Final Reports/Working papers/ Conferences

  1. J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2001). Impact of Interest Rate Policy and Financial Reforms on Economic Growth in the BEAC Zone: The Case of Cameroon, Unpublished MPhil Thesis: University of Yaoundé 11 Soa
  2. J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2009). Components, Sources and Determinants of Aggregate Inequality Trends in the Distribution of Household Economic Well-being in Cameroon, 1996-2001. (Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Yaoundé 11 Soa.
  3. J. Tabi Atemnkeng (2006). Foreign Aid and the Public Sector Budget Process in a Developing Country: the case of Cameroon (Paper presented at the First International Conference on the State of Affairs of Africa (ICSAA), October 26 – 28th, 2006 at the Boston Quincy Marriot Hotel in Quincy, MA)
  4. J. Tabi Atemnkeng and Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb (2013).Comparative Business Practices and Productivity Performance between Family and Non-family Firms: Perceptions and Poverty Reduction Effects in Cameroon (ICBE-RF Research Report No. 48/123. Trust Africa, www.trustafrica.org
  5. J. Tabi Atemnkeng and Ngantcha Tonda Joëlle (2011). Understanding the role of Labour markets and Employment within the Growth-Poverty-Inequality linkages in Cameroon (AERC Collaborative Research Projects on ‘Understanding the Link between Growth and Poverty in Africa’, June 2011: presented in GDN 14th Annual Global Development Conference on Inequality, Social protection and Inclusive growth June 19-21, 2013 in Philippines:
  6. J. Tabi Atemnkeng, Ndam Romanus Adze (2020), Gender-Based Credit Constraints and Firm Performance in Cameroon (AERC Research paper No. 380)



  1. MPhil/PhD Theses Awards: CODESRIA, Dakar 1997; African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Nairobi 2006/07.
  2. United Nations University-WIDER PhD Research Internship, Finland: April-June 2007.
  3. IMF Visiting Scholar: November-December 2010
  4. 2003 AERC, Nairobi thematic Research Grant ($ 13000)
  5. 2004 Partnership for Economic Research Network PEP, Canada ($CAN 20000)
  6. 2004 Global Development Network (GDN) Research Grant ($10000)
  7. 2006 AERC, Nairobi thematic Research Grant ($ 12500)
  8. 2007 AERC Reproductive Health Research Project Grant ($15000)
  9. 2010 AERC Growth-Poverty nexus Research Project Grant ($15000)
  10. 2010 Promotion and Adoption of Agricultural Technologies in the Forest-Savannah Zone of
    Cameroon (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) ($5000)
  11. 2012 Investment and Business Climate Environment-TrustAfrica ($ 50.000)
  12. 2014 AERC, Nairobi thematic Research Grant ($ 12500)
  13. 2015 AERC Senior Scholar Research Project Grant ($70.000)
  14. 2019 AERC, Nairobi thematic Research Grant ($ 12500)
  15. 2020 Consultant: World Bank: Results Based Financing (RBF) mechanism in the North and
    Southwest regions under a new program called “Ways to Improve School Effectiveness (WISE) for fragile and conflict-affected regions in Cameroon” ($ 7000)/ 1-month STC contract
  16. 2023 Consultant: African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA): Produce and deliver Online training suitable to the Uganda Tailor-Made training on “Human Resource Development Planning”.



1. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)
2. International Association for Feminist Economists (IAFFE)
3. Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network.
4. African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) modeling Consortium