Exchange Students

Welcome to the University of Buea's Exchange Students!

At the University of Buea, we believe in the transformative power of international experiences and the value of cross-cultural exchange. Our exchange programs provide an exciting opportunity for students to broaden their horizons, immerse themselves in new cultures, and enhance their academic journey. Through our partnerships with reputable institutions worldwide, we offer a range of exchange opportunities that cater to diverse academic interests.

The Application Process

Arrival & Duration

Students are selected according to set criteria established by the home institution, such as academic performance, motivation, maturity, etc.

Liaise with the host university’s international office (Cooperation Office).

Obtain the admission letter, letter of invitation, and affidavit of support from the host university.

Ensure that the study program is approved by the University of Buea and the host institution, and that the courses are aligned.

Encourage students to meet with the Deans of Faculty or Director of School/College and Heads of Department to enroll in the program of study, complete registration, and ensure that credits will be transferred.

Handle all incoming exchange applications, including queries by students and partners.

Facilitate visa applications.

Liaise with faculty and the Registrar’s Office on admission letters.

Communicate with the Registrar’s Office to capture data and issue a student matriculation number.

Process and obtain approval from Deans and Heads of Department.

Assist with airport transport and finding off-campus accommodation for students.

Organize head of department meetings with students.

Organize meetings and site visits for study groups with outside stakeholders.

Assist with the student registration process.

Conduct campus tours.

Organize welcoming functions and orientations.

Ensure that the student has a valid passport.

Submit motivation letters and supporting documents to the host university.

Determine and clarify which institution will cover certain expenses.

Provide pre-departure counseling to students regarding culture shock and adjustment.

Maintain communication with the student throughout the process, addressing any concerns or questions.

Arrange transport to the airport for the student’s departure.

Contact the host university or institution to ensure airport pick-up, assistance with luggage, and other necessary arrangements.

Establish contact with a host family, if applicable, to provide support and facilitate the student’s integration into the local community.

Obtain updated contact details of the student to ensure effective communication throughout their exchange period.

Request a brief report from the student on their exchange progress, including their academic and personal experiences.

Maintain regular communication with the host university’s cooperation office, exchanging information and addressing any issues that may arise.

Upon the student’s return, ensure that they have obtained all relevant documents required for the credit transfer process.

Liaise with the Registrars Office and the Head of Department to ensure the proper transfer of credits earned during the exchange program.

Arrange transportation from the airport upon the student’s arrival back to their home institution.

Ensure that the student submits a comprehensive report on their overall exchange experience, including their academic, cultural, and personal growth during the program.

Ongoing Support and Administrative Assistance

Meeting regularly with staff/students and resolving problems.

Facilitate immigration processes for:

Address personal and academic concerns of students, including monitoring their academic progress and providing necessary support.

Assist students in adapting to living in a new environment, providing guidance and resources for a smooth transition.

Provide support to students experiencing homesickness, offering counseling or connecting them with appropriate services within the university or outside.

Make referrals to other services within the university or external organizations to address specific needs or concerns of students.

Process rebates in collaboration with the Administrative and Finance Departments, ensuring timely handling of financial matters.

Advise staff and students on the completion and submission of amendment forms and reports to the Registrar’s and Cooperation’s Office.

Liaise with the IT Centre and the library to assist in setting up wireless internet connections and accessing library resources, including the E-Library.

Address accommodation queries and complaints from both staff and students, ensuring their housing needs are met.

Assist staff and students with printing and scanning of documents required for submission to their home universities or other institutions.

Full degree / exchange students
Researchers / interns
Visiting scholars
Short-term faculty
Workshop, conference, and seminar participants