

Vice-Chancellor’s Cup. The 2nd Edition of the Vice-Chancellor’s Cup Competition ended on Friday, 27th May 2022 with the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences winning the overall 1st position. For eight (8) weeks the students kept the campus alive, competing in 10 disciplines. At the Football Boys finals the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences...
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FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES: Launch of the D-SINE Africa Project. The two research projects awarded to the University of Buea by the United States of America’s based organizations: National Institute of Health and Fogarty International Center have kicked off. The D-SINE Africa research projects hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences will help to improve...
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UB gets new Financial Controller. Mr. Jackson Teke Malange has been installed as the new Financial Controller (FC) of the University of Buea. Following Ministerial Order No. 0000008 of MINFI of 30th March 2022, Mr. Malange takes over from Mr. Enyawe Ebwea Richard who served in that position for 7 years. Installing the new FC,...
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BOOK LAUNCH. A book entitled: INFORMATION LITERACY EDUCATION AND THE ROLE OF LIBRARIES, has been launched at the University of Buea. The book written by Professor Rosemary SHAFACK, is a veritable manual for researchers to blend the critical components of information literacy. It is a one-stop-shop to enable the reader quickly relate and gain a...
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Faculty of Education: Workshop for Academic staff and students on the New UB Thesis Guide. Academic staff of the Faculty of Education participated in a workshop on the new UB thesis guide. The workshop took place at the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheater, on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. The aim of the workshop was to acquaint...
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FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE. The Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine has relaunched it’s Faculty Bi-weekly seminars for the 2021/2022 Academic year. These seminars are a platform for Academic staff and Postgraduate students of the Faculty to share knowledge and information about current challenges and propose solutions to Agriculture related issues. The relaunch...
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UB Guidance Counsellors Sharpen their Skills for better Service. The Guidance Counselling team from the University of Buea joined other stakesholders consisting of social workers, humanitarian officers, Final year Masters Students of the Department of Guidance Counseling, Psychological experts for the yearly professional development training on trauma counselling at the nation’s capital from the 28th...
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FACULTY OF EDUCATION- Book Launch. A new book titled “Introduction to Psychology: Review of Basic Concepts…” has been launched by the Faculty of Education. The authors, Drs. Orok Afor Betek Mary and Anthony N. Molest say the 374-page document provides guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate students to understand basic psychological concepts, especially in the domain...
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FACULTY OF LAWS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE: Maiden open week. Four years after creation, the Faculty of Laws and Political Science organized an Open Week under the theme “Strong Institutions, Building Peace and Justice. The event was intended to give the community a chance to experience the Faculty first hand. For two days, the Faculty demonstrated...
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