Animal Biology – ZAP

About ZAP

The Department of Animal Biology (ZAP) is dedicated to the study of animal life and its diverse biological processes. ZAP offers undergraduate and graduate programs that cover various aspects of animal biology, including anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology.

Through hands-on fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and research projects, students in ZAP gain a deep understanding of animal diversity, adaptation, and conservation. Our faculty, composed of expert researchers and educators, provide mentorship and guidance to students, fostering their passion for understanding and protecting the natural world.

Our Programs


B.Sc in Fisheries
B.Sc in Animal Biology
B.Sc in Animal Production
B.Sc in Applied and Economic Zoology
B.Sc in Fisheries and Animal Production
Professional B.Sc in Zoology and Clinical Laboratory

M.Sc in Zoology (Options: Animal Ecology, Animal Physiology, Applied Zoology, Entomology and Parasitology)

Ph.D in Animal Biology
Ph.D in Zoology (Options: Animal Ecology, Animal Physiology, Applied Zoology, Entomology and Parasitology)

Career Opportunities

Job Market

This programs equips you with a diverse skill set that can be applied to various career paths like:

Wildlife Biologist
Conservation Scientist
Animal Behaviorist
Zoo Professional
Researcher in Animal Biology
Environmental Organization Employee
Zoo Employee
Wildlife Management Agency Employee
Educational Institution Employee

Entry requirements

Embarking in engineering Studies begins with meeting our admissions requirements. We seek passionate individuals committed to mastering engineering , understanding dynamics, and embracing cultural diversity. Below are the entry requirements for our program:

First Degree Courses

The GCE O/L, with passes in four approved subjects before sitting the GCE A/L

One of the following requirements in the GCE A/L

  • Two GCE/AL passes at the same sitting.
  • The BAC in the series is appropriate to the intended field for specialization.
  • The Senate considers candidates with other qualifications as the equivalent of these qualifications.

Individual departments may impose additional and specific requirements.

Students whose language of instruction was not English, will be required to pass a prescribed English Language test unless they have completed the Special Intensive English Language Course.

Applicants are informed that for Classical programs, the registration fee paid is as defined by the Ministry of Higher Education while for Professional programs an additional tuition fee as defined by the respective faculties may also apply.

Masters and PhD Courses

Hold a good Bachelor’s and or Masters’s degree in a relevant discipline.

As a student in our department, you will have access to experienced faculty members who are experts in their fields and dedicated to your growth and success. They will guide you through engaging lectures, hands-on fieldwork, and research projects that will expand your knowledge and sharpen your scientific skills.