Research And Publications

University of Buea > About Us > Research And Publications


Since the inception of the University of Buea as a full-fledged University in 1993, the University has taken advantage of every available opportunity to develop and sustain an environment friendly to the promotion of its research mission. Overtime, the University has paid particular emphasis on the improvement of quality, productivity, visibility, impact and relevance of its research within Cameroon and the Central African Sub-Region. The situational analysis of research at the University of Buea, portrays the frameworks/tools governing the conduct of research, as well as the capacity for research at the University of Buea.


The Research mandate of the University of Buea is spelt out in Decree No. 93/034 of 19 January 1993 as follows:

  1. “Encourage, promote and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavors”;
  2. “Contribute to national development and promote social and cultural values”.


To be a world class university, that excels in research for development.


The University of Buea will conduct research for sustainable development to enhance the quality of life of Cameroonians. Both fundamental and applied research will be done to address issues of relevance to the local, national and global communities as well as to industry.


The University of Buea within its Research Policy and Management Guide document has set out its objectives around Research Infrastructure, Research Capacity Building, Research Programmes, Research Management Regulations and Procedures, Funding, Intellectual Property Rights, Sustainability, Publications and Consultancy.

Research Management Instruments

In addition to national instruments, UB has developed policies, guidelines and a strategy for research;

  UB Thesis Guide

  University of Buea Research Policy and Management Guide

  UB Research Strategy Plan, 2018-2024

  Guidelines for the evaluation and accreditation of research programmes, laboratories and centres



Support is available, through the Division of Research and Publications in terms of:

  Grant negotiation

  Contractual compliance (ethical, Intellectual properties and fiscal)

  Reporting and communicating research.

  Capacity Building through organisation of workshops and conferences.

Research Management Structure and Staffing

  Both administrative (Deputy Vice-Chancellor i/c Research, Cooperation and Relations with the Business World, Vice-Deans i/c Research and Cooperation, and Heads of service) and oversights (Faculty and Departmental Scientific Committees, Ethics committees) units and function

  The Division of Research and Publications under the suppression of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Cooperation, serve to coordinate all research endeavors of the University toward attaining its research mandate.

  Strategic-level management and operational-level administrative staff.

  Partially devolved structures, featuring research support units/functions both at the level of the establishments and the Central administration

 Shared responsibilities for specialized skills such as legal and fiscal, public relations and reporting to the wider public.

Grant Management

Support is available, through the Division of Research and Publications in terms of:

  Grant negotiation

Contractual compliance (ethical, Intellectual properties and fiscal)

Reporting and communicating research.

Capacity Building through organization of workshops and conferences.


You can contact the Division of Research and Publications by email:

We invite interested members of the public to regularly explore the “University of Buea Newsletter – UBN” on UB’s website. It is our quarterly publication on research related events at the University of Buea.