Global Networking

International Partners

University of Buea > About Us > International Partners

Welcome to Our Global Network

At UB, we believe that collaboration and partnership are essential for fostering innovation, driving research, and creating a truly global learning experience. We are proud to have established strong relationships with esteemed institutions and organizations from around the world. Our international partners play a vital role in enriching our academic programs, promoting cultural exchange, and expanding opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff.

As a leading institution of higher education, we are committed to nurturing partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries and embrace diversity. Through these collaborations, we aim to create a vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and learners who collectively strive for excellence and make a positive impact on society. 

Why Partner with Us?

Academic Excellence

The University of Buea is renowned for its academic rigor, cutting-edge research, and commitment to intellectual inquiry. By partnering with us, institutions gain access to our faculty expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines.

Research and Innovation

We believe that breakthrough discoveries and meaningful innovation happen when bright minds collaborate. Our partnerships open avenues for joint research projects, interdisciplinary initiatives, and knowledge exchange, driving advancements in diverse fields.

Global Perspective

With a diverse and inclusive community representing many countries, we foster an environment that celebrates different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Partnering with us provides an opportunity to engage with a global network of students and scholars, broadening horizons and promoting intercultural understanding.

Student Mobility

We are committed to offering our students transformative educational experiences that prepare them for a rapidly changing world. Through our partnerships, we facilitate student exchange programs, study abroad opportunities, and internships, allowing students to immerse themselves in different cultures and gain a global perspective.

Collaborative Programs

We actively seek opportunities to develop joint degree programs, dual certifications, and collaborative courses with our international partners. These initiatives enable us to create unique educational offerings that blend the strengths of both institutions, providing students with a comprehensive and globally relevant education.

Professional Development

Our partnerships extend beyond academia, as we recognize the importance of fostering connections with industry and community organizations. Collaborative initiatives in professional development, entrepreneurship, and community engagement empower our students and faculty to make a meaningful impact in the real world.

Join Our Global Network

If you are interested in exploring partnership opportunities with the University of Buea, we invite you to connect with our dedicated Office of Cooperation. Our team will work closely with you to understand your institution’s goals and objectives, explore areas of mutual interest, and develop a framework for collaboration that aligns with our shared vision.

The VC of UB, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga pictured discussing future strategic plans with the CEO of JoinIT Solutions, Mr. Chongwain Brian

Doreen Mekunda Bebe (PhD)

Head of Division for Cooperation

Mr. Lifafe Jackai Kange

Head of Service for Extra-African Cooperation