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University of Buea > About Us

University Of Buea's History

The University of Buea was born in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon. Conceived in the English-speaking tradition, the University of Buea seeks to foster the essence of that system, while situating itself within the larger bilingual and multicultural context of Cameroon. Since its founding, the University of Buea has been a learning, innovation, problem-solving, and community-building hub. Motivated by a mission to serve the greater good, our students, faculty, and staff tackle today’s most pressing challenges with courage and creativity, making a difference across Cameroon and worldwide.

It is located in the historic town of Buea, former capital of German Kamerun, former capital of the federated State of West Cameroon, and now the provincial capital of the South West Region of Cameroon. Although the University draws its students mainly from the English-speaking part of Cameroon, it also serves the other regions of the country and the international community at large. 

Our Mission

The mission of the University of Buea is to provide opportunities for quality education through teaching and research in an environment that is conducive to such pursuits and in ways that respond to market forces.

Our Vision

The University of Buea aspires to become a leading university in the quality and relevance of its teaching, research and services. The University is dedicated to the continuous quest for excellence in research, the promotion of moral and human values, and service to the community.

Key to Success

The key to the success of the University of Buea lies in its commitment to maintaining academic excellence and providing programs of study and research of the highest standards. With a focus on delivering quality education, the university strives to cultivate a culture of intellectual rigor and scholarly pursuit.

Student Population

The student population is over 33,000, including over fifty who are physically and visually disabled. Adequate welfare provision for this later category of students remains a challenge and a priority for the university administration.


Our highly qualified and diversified staff – comprising over 650 permanent and 200 part-time members ensures personalized attention for our over 33.000 students. Collaborating with partners from over 40 universities across Africa, Europe, and North America, we foster a global perspective.


Training at the University of Buea is supported by modest infrastructure including lecture halls, teaching and research laboratories, amongst others. For effective implementation of the New Policy on University Governance which lays emphasis on effectiveness, efficiency and management principles based on rigor, transparency and results, the University is connected to the outside world via a fiber optic link to CAMTEL, a major local telecommunications company. The main campus also has a fiber optic network that interconnects most of the buildings on campus.

Why Choose the University Of Buea

Diverse Degree Programs

With approximately 80 degree programmes at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels, we offer a rich portfolio designed to comply with the European Bologna BMP-System . Our programmes span fields such as Agricuiture, Accountancy, Biochemistry, Gender Studies, Medicine, Microbiology, Nursing, Translation/Interpretation, and attracting applications from both loc and international students.

Cultural and Sporting Life

Beyond academics, our students actively participate in cultural activities, sporting events, clubs and associations. We believe in holistic development and encourage students to explore their passions beyond the classroom.

Cutting-Edge Research

Our Faculty engages in research projects covering infectious diseases (malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV-AIDS) environmental hazards, natural resource management, biodiversity, and plants These projects, funded by international and national grants, provide practical training opportunities for our students.

An Entrepreneurial University

Considering the option of the Cameroon government to allow State Universities to go entrepreneurial, the University of Buea has taken the lead, first by designing incubator projects that are managed by students to ensure that these projects develop into enterprises thereby creating jobs for our graduates.  The University also came up with the UB Corporate Ltd which is a central pool where resources are harnessed for the creation of a University Enterprise. Through UB Corporate Ltd, other business ventures such as UB Finance (a Cooperative Society) and UB Printing Press have been developed.