University of Buea > Blog > BOOK LAUNCH

The two books co-authored by Professor Kingsley Lyonga Ngange and Dr. Stephen Ndode were formally presented to colleagues, friends, and family on Thursday, 8 August 2024 in a ceremony chaired by Professor Michael Ekonde Sone, Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Teaching, professionalization, and the development of ICTs.

The book “Media Coverage of Conflicts in Africa…” carries documented evidence on how the media covered the Anglophone Conflict from 2016 – 2024 and provides a fresh understanding of what is going on in the two English Regions. The second book “Media and Government at War…” explores the struggle for dominance in the marketplace of ideas, influence, and power.

On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sone congratulated Professor Ngange and his team for this brilliant publication which highlights the role of the media in peace-building and conflict resolution.

On behalf of the publication team Professor Ngange thanked everyone who contributed to the publication of these books.

The Chief launcher was Mme. Ndoh Bertha, the Board Chair of SONARA.

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