Faculty of Health Sciences: Visit to the D-SINE Africa Project

University of Buea > Blog > Faculty of Health Sciences: Visit to the D-SINE Africa Project

The University of Buea had the honour to receive a 12-man delegation from collaborators of the D-SINE Africa project from University of California Los Angeles and Berkeley, University of Cape Town and AIMS Cameroon. The delegation was headed by Dr. Brad Newsome, program officer from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), D-SINE Africa and STREaM MPI from University of California Los Angeles, Professor Catherine Juillard, and Professor Sandra McCoy, from University of California Berkeley, an MPI of the STREaM project.

On arrival at the main campus of the University of Buea they were received by Vice-Chancellor Ngomo Horace Manga in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Professor Halle-Ekane and Professor Chichom Mefire, Vice-Dean in charge of Research and Cooperation and Principal Investigator of the D-SINE Africa Project in UB.

From the Vice-Chancellor’s Office the delegation moved over to the D-SINE Africa Project Centre where Professor Chichom and his team (in a working session) discussed the activities of the project and the milestones it has covered after it was launched in May 2022.

The visit at the University of Buea ended at the Faculty of Health Sciences where the visiting delegation had an interactive meeting with Young Scientists and Postgraduate students in which the young scientists were given tips on grant writing and how to win competitive research grants. “Be confident in your research ideas and always practice communicating your ideas”, said Sandra McCoy.

The Data Science Centre for the study of Surgery, Injury and Equity in Africa (D-SINE Africa) was created within the framework of the research project titled: “Harnessing Data Science to promote Equity in Injury and Surgery for Africa”. The Project seeks to establish a programme of systematic collection of data on injuries through Trauma Registries in various hospitals in Cameroon in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is the funder of the Grant that was awarded to the University of Buea under the leadership of Professor Chichom Mefire.

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