Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Council

University of Buea > News > Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Council

Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Council

The Finance and General Purposes Committee of Council of the University of Buea met on Friday, 27th August 2021 in the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheater. The meeting was chaired by Professor Ako Edward Oben, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council.

The main point on the agenda was the presentation, examination and adoption of the 2020 Administrative and Management Accounts of the University. After thorough examination, analysis and discussion on the issues raised, the Committee took a number of resolutions amongst which:

– it adopted the Administrative and Management Accounts of the University of Buea, noting that the accounts were well managed in income and expenditure and applauded the collaborative efforts of the UB team for keeping to its standards.

– endorsed the University’s proposal for the creation of the Applied Mathematical and Computer assisted Modelling Unit which will give decision makers the tools to make policies about the evolution of COVID19 in real time.

– endorsed the University’s proposal for the creation of UB Corporate Ltd., a limited liability company to generate income to supplement government subsidies.

– endorsed the University’s recommendation for the promotion and advancement of some academic staff.

– thanked the government for providing support to the institution to meet its increasing demands from its external and internal stakeholders.

At the end of the meeting Professor Ako Edward Oben used the opportunity to welcome the new members of Council who were attending the meeting for the first time and to also thank the outgoing members for their diligence in serving UB.


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