UB COVID-19 Task Force Meets to Evaluate Activities.

University of Buea > News > UB COVID-19 Task Force Meets to Evaluate Activities.

UB COVID-19 Task Force Meets to Evaluate Activities.
As we bring down the curtains on the 2019/2020 academic year,  the UB Task Force for COVID-19 met to evaluate its activities.  From reports,  no case of infection was recorded on campus as the University complied  to all the measures put in place by government and WHO to prevent infections.

The UB Infectious Diseases Laboratory continues to assist government in the diagnosis of the virus.

In view  of the 2020/2021 academic year,  the UB Taskforce, under the Chairmanship of Professor Lucy Ndip,  Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Research, Cooperation and Relations with the Business World, met in the Board room of Central  Administration to brainstorm  on other activities that could help in the fight against COVID19.

In the meantime, UB continues to respect all preventive measures such as wearing of facemasks,  hand washing,  use of sanitizers and observing social distancing.

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