A visit from the South West Royalty

University of Buea > News > A visit from the South West Royalty


The Executive Council of the South West Chiefs Conference paid a courtesy visit to the University of Buea on Wednesday,  12 August 2020.
Led by the President of the South West Chiefs Conference,  His Majesty Mafany Njie Martin, the Custodian of the South West culture and customs said they were in UB to congratulate the Vice-Chancellor “for  his outstanding leadership qualities and administrative prowess exhibited in the years of stewardship at the  helm of the University of Buea.”

The 16-man delegation which comprised the presidents and secretary-generals of the different Traditional Councils of the six Divisions in  the South West praised the University of Buea for its remarkable contribution to the education of the youths and assured the Vice-Chancellor that the South West Chiefs are ready to accompany UB in all their activities.

With the  projected developmental projects and the reconstruction of the region in view, the Chiefs came with suggestions for UB to  upgrade its training programme by introducing disciplines that give students competitive skills to fit in the job market and open other faculties schools in different Divisions of the South West Region.

It was a moment of intense emotions as the UB authorities and the Chiefs visited some strategic laboratories on campus.

Professor Ngomo Horace Manga thanked them for coming and promised them that their submissions would be looked into by the appropriate commissions.


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