July 2020


Successful Ph.D Defences at the Faculty of Health Sciences: Two doctoral students of the Faculty of Health Sciences have successfully demonstrated mastery and expertise of their study area to earn a Ph.D in Public Health in the University of Buea. After thorough scholarly criticisms from distinguished professors chaired by Vice-Chancellor Ngomo Horace Manga, Mr.Tanue Elvis...
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Second Semester Exams Kick-off Hitch-free. The Vice-Chancellor Prof.  Ngomo Horace Manga has taken a tour of all examination halls on campus to ensure a hitch-free examination. He noted with contentment, the turn-out of the students for the examination and the measures executed to ensure social distancing during this present dispensation. According to the University’s calendar...
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UB REMAINS A PLACE OF PRIDE FOR PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. In a solemn ceremony in Amphitheater 150C of UB,  four Private Higher Education institutions have signed specific and framework partnership agreements with UB to accompany them in offering postgraduate programmes. These institutions are: The National Polytechnic University Institute-Bda FOMIC Polytechnic,  Buea Institute Superieur de...
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New Milestones in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology in a practical session for EEF486: Electric Machine Laboratory. With the help of instructors they are demonstrating the following: Asynchronous motor test and characterization; Single phase transformer test and characterization Synchronous/alternator test and characterization.        
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ALUMNI COMMUNITY SUPPORT With financial support from UB Alumni of the Department of Chemistry,  the University of Buea has produced and distributed sanitizers and handwashing soap to selected schools,  health  facilities and orphanages in the Moungo Division of the Littoral region. The delegation was led by the Head of Department of Chemistry,  Professor Josepha Foba. ...
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The Environment where Learning, Building of talents  and Skills are Exceptional
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Committee of Deans and Directors Meet to Ascertain the Level of Preparedness for the 2nd Semester Examinations.       Under the Chairmanship of Professor Ngomo Horace Manga,  Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea,  the Committee of Deans and Directors met in Amphitheater 150C to examine the academic activities of the University for the Second semester after...
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Detailed Communique; Entrance Examination into ASTI for 2020_2021 Academic Year
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Professionalization of Training: The Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine is ensuring that students are trained in the classroom and in the field. These students are learning to use tractors to plough and harrow the field before planting grains (beans, corn,  etc)        
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Full Notice; Fees and Excess Academic Load
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College Of Technology – COT

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Bothell, WA 98011-8246


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