The University of Buea and Biaka Institute of Buea sign Specific Agreement

University of Buea > News > The University of Buea and Biaka Institute of Buea sign Specific Agreement
BUID Chair and UB VC exchange the Sealed Deal

The University of Buea and Biaka University Institute of Buea a Sign Specific Agreement

In keeping to its mission to transfer knowledge and ensure quality training by Private Higher Education Institutions, the University of Buea signed a specific agreement with BIAKA University Institute, Buea (BUIB). By this agreement UB will accompany and mentor BUIB in all their academic activities but more specifically, in some new postgraduate programmes to be introduced in BUIB.

In the presence of staff and students of both institutions, the Chair of BUIB, Dr. Mrs. Hongla Francisca Biaka  and Vice-Chancellor of UB, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga expressed satisfaction at the excellent relationship between the institutions which has existed since 2007.

The Minister of State,  Minister of Higher Education was represented by  Dr.  Gustave Ndondo of the Department of Higher Education Development in the Ministry of Higher Education.

The Faculties of Health Sciences and Social and Management Sciences will lead the University of Buea in the implementation of this specific agreement with BUIB.



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