Technological Strides: UB Gets Media Centre

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Technological Strides: UB Gets Media Centre

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea Prof. NGOMO Horace MANGA recently inaugurated a Teleconference and Training Unit created under the One Health Workforce (OHW) Project of “Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN) formerly known as OHCEA (One Health Central and Eastern Africa).

Hosted in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Teleconference and Training Unit will be used for virtual conferencing, distance lecturing or teaching, online seminars and much more. The unit will contribute to capacity building for UB students and staff, by facilitating exchange and transfer of expertise between UB and other institutions of the OHCEA/AFROHUN network including Makerere University (Kampala) and the US partner institutions led by University of California Davis (UC Davis).
About the Teleconference and Training Unit
The Centre makes use of dedicated Virtual Private Network nodes to transmit information between the University of Buea, Universite des Montagnes and other Universities in the country, the Makerere University in Uganda, and US partner institutions led by University of California Davis, to securely deploy training and communication.
Lecturers and researchers can deliver their lectures while abroad, relay their presentations in conferences, symposia, seminars for students to follow. This flexibility ensures that students can still get content even when academic staff are not physically present.
This facility also enables easy access, storage and retrieval of teaching and research data; and facilitates access of UB staff and students (One Health Student Innovative Club) to global virtual community of Practice, across the AFROHUN network of 24 Africa-based institutions of public health and Vet schools in 8 countries. More importantly the Unit will foster the technical support from the Consortium of US partner institutions during the up-coming One Health Workforce – Next Generation Project.
One Health central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) soon re-branding to Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN) is a network of 24 Institutions of Public Health and Veterinary Medicine, presently in 16 Universities, 8 countries (DR Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda) with headquarters at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. OHCEA-Cameroon comprises three Institutions: The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (FAVM) both at the University of Buea, and the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé, (ISSS) at Université des Montagnes. OHCEA/AFROHUN promotes sustainable health for prosperous communities, productive animals and balanced ecosystems. The networks seek to build capacity and expand the human resource base needed to prevent, detect and respond to potential pandemic threats, and increase integration of animal, wildlife and human disease surveillance and outbreak response systems in member countries.
The leadership of this project in UB includes Prof. Ernest L. Molua and Prof. Albert MOUELLE SONE as AFROHUN Deans for FHS and FAVM, respectively, Prof. Gregory HALLE-EKANE (FHS Focal Person), Dr. Christian T. KEAMBOU (Focal Person, FAVM), while Dr. Denis ZOFOU coordinates as the AFROHUN Country Manager for Cameroon.

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