Colloquium…The Ballot Box: The Gateway to Democracy?

University of Buea > News > Colloquium…The Ballot Box: The Gateway to Democracy?
Prof. Irene Fokum Sama-Lang situates the colloquium in the present Cameroon context

Colloquium…The Ballot Box: The Gateway to Democracy?
By Sama Awa-Mengi Levai

The Department of Public Law and Public Administration has organized a one day colloquium on the theme: The Ballot Box: The Gateway to Democracy?
The colloquium took place at the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheatre of the University on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 and brought together the cream of the legal profession in the region as well as post-graduate students of the Faculty of Laws and Political Science.
In her opening address, the Head of Department for the Department of Public Law and Public Administration, Professor Irene Fokum Sama-Lang situated the colloquium in the context of the recent happenings in Cameroon and encouraged participants to express themselves freely reminding all that it was a learning process. Taking the queue from the HOD, the Dean of the Faculty of Laws and Political Sciences, Professor Atangcho Akonumbo expressed his gratitude to the Department for the initiative and hoped that the colloquium will go a long way to sensitize those present on issues bordering on democracy.
Participants were treated to presentations on:
–    International Institutions and Elections Management by Paul Nana Simo, Esq
–    Elections, Peace-building and Conflict Resolution by Prof. Christopher Nsoh
–    He Ballot Box: The Incumbent Factor by Prof James Abangma
–    Elections Management, Elections Monitoring and Human Rights by Mr. Tambe Tiku
–    Civil Society, Elections and Human Rights by Felix Agbor Balla, Esq
–    Elections and Elections Disputes by Dr. Gasti Eric Adol
The audience was treated to a debate by students of the Public Law and Public Administration on the theme of the colloquium. It was an opportunity for students to merge theory and practice.

Dr. Nsoh on peace-building and conflict resolution
Mr. Tambe Tiku on election management

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