UB Gets State of the Art Laboratory from AIMS Cameroon

University of Buea > News > UB Gets State of the Art Laboratory from AIMS Cameroon
Inaugurating the Laboratory

UB Gets State of the Art Laboratory from AIMS Cameroon

The African Institute for Applied Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) has donated a state of the art Teacher Training Laboratory to the University of Buea to improve in the training of in-service and pre-service Mathematics teachers. The laboratory was handed over to the University of Buea authorities in a ceremony that took place in the Boardroom of the Central Administration building on Tuesday, January 21st 2020.

In his speech, the Centre President for AIMS Cameroon, Professor Mama Foupouagnigni underscored the necessity for such a laboratory which is expected to build teachers capacity in the use of IT tools for the improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics, which is the core of every science discipline. It is expected that the equipment in the lab and the interactive nature of the lab will encourage more people to love and engage in the subject which is not a soft-spot to many students.

Representing the Minister of Secondary Education at the event, Dr. Jean Pierre Adjaba, Inspector General in charge of the Coordination of Science at the Ministry of Secondary Education recalled vividly how the management of AIMS has worked tirelessly with the Ministry of Secondary education for the realisation of this project. He noted with dismay that unfortunately, many of these structures put at the disposal of students are under-utilised. He hoped that the University of Buea will make a difference in that light. He also hoped that the laboratory will increase the pipeline of students in science as a whole and Mathematics in particular.

The Vice-Chancellor on his part, expressed gratitude to  AIMS for choosing UB to host such an investment, remarking that it was a mark of trust which the university will not betray. He thanked AIMS for their demonstrated passion in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and promised that the laboratory will be put to optimal use and all the equipment will be protected and preserved for posterity.

Visiting the laboratory, it was disclosed that it had 4 components: it could be used as a computer laboratory, it could serve as normal classroom space, it is a training simulative laboratory and the equipment therein make  for distance learning. AIMS took the commitment to train designated workers on the use of all the equipment in the laboratory which can conveniently accommodate 30 persons.

This donation by AIMS to the University of Buea, brings to three the number of such laboratories donated by the institution. The first two are hosted by the Universities of Yaounde 1 and Maroua respectively, while the University of Bamenda is next in line.

Centre president AIMS and VC UB exchange copies of signed agreement
Inside view of Laboratory


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