Faculty of Science,25 years of Existence

University of Buea > News > Faculty of Science,25 years of Existence

Faculty of Science:
25 Years of upholding Excellence and Service to the Community

The 3rd Faculty of Science Expo, which held on 8 – 9 June 2018, was also an opportunity for the Faculty to celebrate its Silver Jubilee and to showcase its strengths and successes in capacity building, research output and academic and support staff quality.

Under the theme: “Faculty of Science: 25 years of service to humanity and perspectives for emergence”, members of the academic, support staff and students converged at the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheatre to display their research output and results through oral and poster presentations.

The keynote address was delivered by Professor Vincent P.K. Titanji, a distinguished and multidisciplinary researcher who is renowned in Biotechnology and whose research activities has led to the understanding and control of tropical diseases.  Professor Titanji was the pioneer Dean of the Faculty of Science from 1993 till 1998 when he was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching. In 2006, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor, a position he held till 2012.

In the first part of his address, Professor Titanji stressed on the ethical values of science noting that “science is meant to solve the problems of society” while the second part was a reflection on the foundation of the Faculty of Science in particular, and the University of Buea, in general.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ngomo Horace Manga in his opening address lauded the Faculty for playing a leading role in the development of solutions to emerging infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases, natural hazards and disasters, climate change, amongst others.  He also thanked the participants of the Expo and, especially Professor Titanji for his interest in the growth of the University of Buea.

The Faculty also used the event to recognize and award prizes to some members of the academia who have played significant roles in the development of the Faculty of Science.

The VC and the Dean of the Faculty of Science Visiting Stands
Department of Microbiology Stand


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