Vice-Chancellor Ngomo Horace Manga installs new Dean and Directors

University of Buea > News > Vice-Chancellor Ngomo Horace Manga installs new Dean and Directors

Vice-Chancellor Ngomo Horace Manga has installed the newly appointed Dean and Directors who were appointed by Presidential decree of 27 June 2017. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, the Director of Development, Physical Plant and Infrastructure, the Director of Financial Affairs and the Director of Students Affairs were installed on Wednesday, 19 July 2017 while the Director of the Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College, Kumba was installed on 20 July 2017 in Kumba.

Below is the list of newly appointed and outgoing Deans and Directors.

Position Out-Going In-coming
1 Director of Development Physical Plant and Infrastructure Prof. Simon Mbua-Ngale Efange Dr. Agbor Dieudonne Agbor
2 Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Afui Mathias Mih Dr. Ayu’nwi Gwabe Niba
3 Director of Financial Affairs Prof. Ntungwe Ndue Paul Mr Epoge Napoleon Kang
4 Director of Students Affairs Dr. Ekoka Molindo Andrew Mr. Nana Engo Serge Guy
5 Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Prof. Sakwe Nekongo Pierre Christopher Dr. Molua Ernest Lytia
6 Director HTTTC Kumba Dr.Agbor Michael Ntui Dr. Akume Daniel Akume

While commissioning the new Dean and Directors, the Vice-Chancellor prescribed hard work and discipline in the execution of their tasks.  He cautioned them about performing their duties in accordance with government regulations and to ensure the modernization and professionalization as hallmarks of academic excellence in UB.

Dean of Faculty of FAVM alongside with the Director of Finance, the Director of Students’ Affairs and the Director of Development
The Director of HTTTC Kumba, Dr Akume Daniel Akume


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