Competitive Entrance Examination into the Faculty of Engineering and Technology 2016

University of Buea > News > Competitive Entrance Examination into the Faculty of Engineering and Technology 2016

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea wishes to inform the general public that the Minister of Higher Education has launched the Competitive Entrance Examination into the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the University of Buea.

Application forms are available at the major Presbook branches, the University of Buea campus and the Regional Delegations of Secondary Education.

The written part of the examinations will take place on 08 September 2016 in four centres which include Buea, Bamenda, Douala and Yaounde.

The latest date for application forms to be deposited in one of the distribution points cited above is 07 September 2016.”

For details check Faculty of Engineering Press Release

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