Research Capacity Building for Young Academics: Call for Expression of Interest

University of Buea > News > Research Capacity Building for Young Academics: Call for Expression of Interest

The University of Buea is participating in a programme to build capacity for a structured institutional approach for training young academics (Early Career Researchers) in research and related skills needed to progress in their research/academic careers.
The programme is coordinated by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and involves 12 African universities. Two units (Faculties, Schools, Departments or Centres) have been chosen in each partner university to participate in the first phase, with the intention to roll-out to the rest of the university in phase 2. The units were selected on the basis of ongoing training and/or research in natural resources. The selected units to participate in the first phase in the University of Buea are Faculties of Science (Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Botany and Plant Physiology, Chemistry, Microbiology and Parasitology, and Environmental Science) and Social and Management Sciences (Departments of; Geography, Economics and Management, Women and Gender Studies).

The training is delivered over nine modules (list attached) for a period of nine months as a mix of online seminars, exercises and mentoring. Module authors/leaders have been hired by the ACU and mentoring in each institution is provided by senior academics proposed by the university. Each module starts with a 90-minute online seminar and participants are expected to complete tasks and assignments to demonstrate mastery.

We observe that this programme represents a very important opportunity for continuous professional development of our young academics and solicit your assistance in getting our early career academics (ECAs) to register. For the purpose of this exercise, we consider all assistant lecturers and staff recently promoted to the rank of lecturer (within the last 2 years) as ECAs. A copy of an Expression of Interest Form has been attached for your exploitation. This form is also available online. ECAs in the relevant Departments of your establishment should be encouraged to apply. They can either go online to complete and submit an electronic copy, or complete a hard copy and submit to the address indicated on the Expression of Interest Form.

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