Results of the National Competitive Entrance Examination in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry in Cameroon

University of Buea > News > Results of the National Competitive Entrance Examination in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry in Cameroon


To publish the results of the National Competitive Entrance Examination in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry in Cameroon

for the 2013-2014 academic year

The Minister of Higher Education announces that:

The following candidates, presented in order of merit, by school and faculty, pending the presentation of their original documents, have been declared successful in the National Competitive Entrance Examination in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry in Cameroon for the 2013-2014 academic year: Click here to downloand Entire list


In order to avoid every form of financial discrimination against successful candidates in the national competitive entrance examination in Medicine, Pharmacy or Dentistry, sent to the “Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé de Banganté” [the Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Banganté] or the “Institut Supérieur des Technologies Médicales de Yaoundé – Nkolondom” [the Higher Institute of Medicine, Yaoundé – Nkolondom], and to enable both institutions respect the required international training norms, the Government of the Republic has taken the following exceptional measures:

1-     Each student sent by the National Council in charge of Medical, Pharmacy or Dentistry training to the “Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé de Banganté” or the “Institut Supérieur des Technologies Médicales de Yaoundé – Nkolondom” shall be required to pay a yearly fee of CFAF 50,000 just like successful candidates in the four State-owned medical schools;


2-     The Ministry of Higher Education takes the commitment to grant the sum of CFAF 550,000 to each student sent to the two aforementioned institutions for the 2013-2014 academic year to complete their fees, set at CFAF 600,000 for training in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry;


3-     In addition, the Ministry of Higher Education grants a subvention of CFAF 400,000, per successful candidate in the aforesaid competitive examination, to each of the two aforementioned private institutions to enable them equip their medical, pharmacy and dentistry laboratories;


4-     The Ministry of Higher Education further informs national and international publics that as from the 2013-2014 academic year, admissions into the first year of training in medicine, pharmacy and dentistry in Cameroon shall only be by a National Competitive Entrance Examination in the different fields;


5-     Mentorship by the Universities of Yaoundé I and Douala on the “Institut Supérieur des Technologies Médicales de Yaoundé – Nkolondom” and the “Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé de Banganté”, respectively, must be respected;


6-     Payment of the special grants to the two aforementioned private institutions, and the students concerned, by the Ministry of Higher Education, shall be made upon the signature of an agreement and terms of reference by the Ministry of Higher Education and each of the two institutions concerned to ensure quality training.


7-     The start of the school year for first-year Medical, Pharmacy and Dentistry students has been fixed for Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 8 a.m.