Over 5,000 freshmen and women admitted into the University of Buea for the 2013/2014 academic year have been called to be the light that illuminates darkness. They were also told to shun and condemn all forms of moral decadence. The Vice-Chancellor in her welcome address named this batch: “the Batch of Maturity”, because according to her, this batch “marks the 20th anniversary of UB, the advancement of ICTs in UB and the celebration of Cameroon’s 50th anniversary.

“…Technology in UB has matured considerably over the last 3 years. I congratulate you all, most especially as you were able to demonstrate a mastery of the use of ICTs during the application process and registration. This is evidence that we are all on the march towards an emergent Cameroon – a realization of the dream of the Head of State, President Paul Biya”.
She prescribed good health, enough energy and adequate financial resources in order to win the race they have started. However she warned that UB would not tolerate any form of extremism from any student as UB is part of the community guided by rules and regulations.
“UB is a community of order, you have come here to follow an order, so emulate good examples and be the light that illuminates darkness”.

In a discourse entitled: Love, Justice, Peace and Patriotism, the Guest speaker for the Matriculation of the 21st batch of student, Barrister Nico Halle reminded the freshmen and women that all of us are endowed with varied and various gifts from God. He exhorts all to use their gifts for the good of others and for posterity. Underscoring Psalm 111:10, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, this Crusader for peace and democracy discouraged the new students from acts of promiscuity, homosexuality, mafia, smoking, drinking, gambling, cheating at exams, occultism, scamming, falsehood, blackmailing, backstabbing, witch-hunting, etc as these are habits that deter students from successfully pursuing their studies at UB.
He recommended the adoption of truth and dialogue by both authorities of UB and students to settle their differences and grievances and avoid violence which usually results in destruction of property meant for the development of the University and Cameroon.
“… It is strongly recommended that each time there are differences and grievances within the University, truth and dialogue should be employed. We should however note that Truth without love is brutality; love without truth is hypocrisy”.

He congratulated the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nalova Lyonga and her collaborators for championing meaningful dialogue which has in turn brought about lasting peace and serenity to UB.
In the presence of authorities from the South West Region, the UB authorities, academic and support staff, parents and the general public, the new students took the matriculation oath to obey the rules and regulations guiding student conduct and discipline in the University of Buea. The ceremony was graced with music from the UB Choir.