Academic Planning 2019

University of Buea > News > Academic Planning 2019
Deputy VC and VC at opening ceremony

Academic Staff Geared Up to Deliver
Academic staff of the University have resolved, among other things, to ensure and maintain the high standard and quality of education they are dishing out to students. This is one of the 15 resolutions arrived at after three days of intense academic planning by academic staff of the University. The goal of the academic planning days, according to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of teaching, Prof. Nol Alembong, was to ensure the smooth running of the 2019/2020 academic year in the areas of professionalism, obligations of teachers, course planning and workloads.
“I am impressed at the outcome of the academic planning days in terms of attendance, the quality of presentations, the feedback and interaction between resource persons and participants. We were working form the premise that things are not going well, which could as well be a faulty premise, but we decided to take that stance to ensure that we ameliorate certain things. We definitely attained our objectives and our goals,” Prof. Nol Alembong.
The academic planning days presented an opportunity for academic staff to evaluate themselves and make conscious decisions to improve on the quality of their services.

Director of Academic Affairs moderating discussions
Dr. Abonge on ethical issues





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