Presidential Gift to UB Students

University of Buea > News > Presidential Gift to UB Students

University of Buea students are receiving laptops promised by His Excellency, President Paul Biya

The distribution started on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 in the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheatre.  It took the personal presence of the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo to handover the laptops to 200 students representing all the establishments of the University. Professor Fame Ndongo congratulated all the beneficiaries of laptops and told them to make good use of them.

“President Paul Biya loves you, he does what he says…The President of the Republic has kept his promise…The promise has come to reality…You have to make good use of these laptops” said the Minister of Higher.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ngomo Horace Manga expressed gratitude on behalf of the University of Buea community to the Head of State. He thanked the Minister who came personally to distribute the laptops to the students and called on the students to be responsible, patient and discipline during the distribution process that will continue in the various establishments from Thursday, 15 February 2018.

In a “Vote of Thanks” to the Head of State, Oben Ntui, a student in the Faculty of Arts, thanked the President of the Republic for making this dream become true.

He called on his mates to be responsible in the use of this precious gift and reiterate the support of UB students to the Head of State in the fight for a peaceful and prosperous Cameroon.

The rest of the computers are being distributed following an elaborate programme provided by the University administration to all the Faculties, Colleges and Schools.

The Minister and happy recipients

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