Undergraduate Application forms into the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, and College of Technology for the 2015/2016 Academic Year

University of Buea > News > Undergraduate Application forms into the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, and College of Technology for the 2015/2016 Academic Year

The Vice-Chancellor informs the public that application forms for the admission into undergraduate degree programmes of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, and College of Technology for the 2015/2016 Academic year are now available at the University of Buea Registration Booth and Presbook branches in Bamenda, Douala and Yaoundé upon payment of an application fee of 10,000(ten thousand) FCFA into the respective establishments bank accounts in Bank Atlantique. The bank account numbers will be posted at the collection points. Completed application forms must be returned to the collection points not later than 12 September 2015.